In 2006, three former inmates and the Chaplain of the Rappahannock Regional Jail (RRJ) began meeting in a local park to discuss, pray, and seek guidance with their current life situations.
In March 2008, a group of volunteers from the RRJ began meeting to discuss helping inmates upon release. Eight months later, on November 1st, the first former inmate joined the group and the Christian Brothers Transition Program (CBTP) was founded. The “park ex-inmates” became part of the foundation and continue to play an integral part of the ministry still today.
In 2012 a women’s extension of the CBTP was started; the Christian Sisters Transition Program (CSTP). From the beginning and until present, we are a group of unpaid ministry volunteers representing many local churches and organizations. In addition, our volunteers have diverse backgrounds; serving our community are business leaders, military personnel, former inmates and/or their family members, some over-coming addictions, all serving our Lord Jesus Christ.
Chaplain Jack L. Richards, CBTP Founder
September 14, 1953 – September 28, 2022
Chaplain Richards founded the CBTP in 2008. He worked diligently until his death to serve not only the CBTP but the entire incarcerated community of the greater Fredericksburg area. We are committed to carry on his vision.
Obit Link: Jack Richards Obituary (1953 - 2022) - Fredericksburg, VA - The Free Lance - Star (legacy.com)
Mr. Anthony E. Boyda, Board Chairman
Mr. Boyda has been serving on the Board of Directors since 2016 and as President since 2019. He is a retired Army Officer with a BS in Mathematics and a MS in Cost Estimating and Analysis and is currently employed by the Department of the Army. In addition to serving CBTP and Celebrate Recovery, he enjoys working on cars, home improvement projects, and is learning how to weld.
One of his favorite bible verses is James 1:22. He has been married for over 30 years and is looking forward to retirement one day so he can devote more of his time to ministry.
Email: anthony.boyda@cbtpinc.org
Ms. Cindy K. Marcott, Board Vice Chairman
Ms. Marcott also served the BOD as a Director to the Board, and as the Business Administrator and Manager of the Christian Sisters Transition Program (CSTP) Women’s Home. Ms. Marcott has served the incarcerated community since January 2000 and is a founding member of the CBTP and the CSTP. Ms. Marcott has led bible studies, church services, and Ready, Set, Release Classes in the RRJ.
She has served the Department of Defense directly as a civil servant and Currently as a federal contractor. One of Cindy’s favorite scriptures is from Isaiah 41:19. In her personal time, Cindy enjoys road trips, antique/yard sale shopping, fellowship and coffee with family and friends.
Email: cindy.marcott@cbtpinc.org
Mr. Brandon Good, Board Secretary
Mr. Good is currently serving as Secretary on the BOD and has been a board member in a directorate capacity since 2012. He has been serving the incarcerated community with the CBTP since 2010. He championed CBTP's effort to become 501(c)(3) in 2011.
Mr. Good served in the United States Marine Corps for 20 years as an active duty Marine, then in a government civil servant capacity upon retirement from the Marine Corps in 2015 where he currently serves as the lead for the Marine Corps Host Based Security initiative. His favorite Bible passage is Romans 5:1-5. He has been blessed with a wife, 5 children, and one grandchild.
Email: brandon.good@cbtpinc.org
Mr. Keith D. Hill, Board Treasurer
Mr. Hill is currently serving as a Director and Treasurer to the Board. Mr. Hill has been serving the incarcerated community since 2017 after retiring from 32 years of service with the department of Navy where he served as technical director and deputy program manager for a large Navy program.
Mr. Hill serves in his church and has led many bible studies and life skill classes within Rappahannock Regional Jail, the Diversion Center and the Regional Juvenile Center and has a burden to assist those finding a new life in Christ. Mr. Hill’s favorite verse is John 14:6.
Email: keith.hill@cbtpinc.org
Mr. Gerald A. DePasquale, Director
Mr. DePasquale also served the BOD as Vice Chairman and Treasurer for many years. Mr. DePasquale is a founding member of the CBTP. He is the primary author of the current CBTP Articles and Incorporation and Bylaws. He has also been instrumental in the set-up of the CBTP Document Repository and G-Suite. He has been serving the inmate population of the RRJ since 2008 in various roles providing Sunday Services, Bible Studies, distributing Bibles as a Gideon, and visiting inmates as the CBTP Representative to RRJ.
Mr. DePasquale also served as a Gideon volunteer to Camp 21 (The Diversion Center) and the Rappahannock Juvenile Center. Mr. DePasquale currently owns and operates two Mathnasium franchises. He served as Department Manager, Program Manager, and Technical Lead of 120 engineers within the National Security Division of BAE systems supporting the FBI's Operational Technology Division. He also served as a Chief Architect and Technical Lead for CACI in support of the Joint Warfare Simulation System. He retired from the Marine Corps in 1995. He holds an MS in Computer Science from the Naval Postgraduate School and a BS in Nuclear Engineering from Purdue University.
Mr. Steven A. Jones, Director
Mr. Jones has been serving on the Board of Directors of CBTP since 2020. He led the New Building Campaign seeking an alternative to CBTP/CSTP meetings at the Salvation Army Building in Fredericksburg. He has been serving the incarcerated community since 2017, first with Kairos at Sussex 1 maximum security prison and now with CBTP. He participates in the Ready Set Release Program at the RRJ. His favorite bible passage is from Matthew 25: 34.
He has been blessed with a wonderful wife, 4 children and 8 grandchildren. Mr. Jones served 24 years in the Navy as an Engineering Duty Officer, designing, building, testing and operating AEGIS Ships. He also worked at Raytheon for 11 years and the Defense Acquisition University for 9 years.
Pastor Rueben M. Lockridge, Director
Pastor Reuben M. Lockridge has a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Theology, from Cornerstone College of Virginia and continues religious studies at Liberty University and Cornerstone College. Reuben has over 20 years of ministry service and is currently serving as an Associate Pastor at the Remnant Worship Revival Center of Camp Springs Maryland; Clergy Protocol Officer for Fresh Touch International Ministries as well as leading a weekly youth and young adult Discipleship Program. Reuben serves as a Bible Study teach in the RRJ, assists in the food bank, and other community outreach services.
Pastor Reuben’s labor of love, compassion, and dedication to community and outreach was recently acknowledged by Governor Larry Hogan in the state of Maryland. He was awarded a State Citation for His notable works and service to others in June 2022.
Reuben is married with five adult children as well as a father and mentor to many others. He served his country in the United States Army during the Vietnam era. He is an entrepreneur and has vast experience and expertise in the telecommunication Industry.
Favorite Scripture: John 17:3 …” and this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom thou hast sent.”
Mr. Corey A. Banks, Advisor to the Board
Mr. Banks has served in jail ministry with the CBTP since 2017. He began leading monthly church services and weekly Bible studies at the RRJ in 2018 and continues today. He also serves in leadership providing spiritual guidance for group attendees, board members, and associated ministries. He holds monthly Bible Study for the CBTP participants which is dedicated to teaching the fundamental doctrines of the Christian faith and biblically sound methods of defending them.
Corey attended Cornerstone College of Virginia (formerly the Fredericksburg Bible Institute) earning a Master of Biblical Theology in 2021. He is currently an employee of Cornerstone College as an Admissions Counselor and Professor of Systematic Theology and Old Testament Survey.
Corey also served honorably in the United States Marine Corps until 2007.